
Friday, April 29, 2016

Nifty Notables No. 8 (Zika Virus) Why Zika-Why Now?

Welcome to this addition of
Vol. 8

Why Zika-Why Now?


So I've done some thinking about the Zika virus and how the news says  it is going to be a problem this year for us here in the United States. It sure is some scary stuff! But after doing some recent research I've been seeing that our mosquito borne diseases are not so recent of a problem. So why are we only now seeing such big media coverage them.

Mosquitoes have been carrying diseases in viruses for centuries and people have been dying from them for centuries probably since the beginning all time.  So why all the hype now about the diseases. Why only the zika virus? Is it because of the Olympics being held this year and now there's a greater risk of it being spread to the United States?  Don't get me wrong I don't want to see the Zika virus or any other virus in the United States. But why haven't we heard about all the other diseases that have been killing people last year or previous years from mosquito-borne viruses such as malaria and others world wide.

This concerns me a great deal, because my daughters are both of childbearing age and I also have 3 beautiful grandchildren now.  I am very concerned about their health and well-being.

This is some of the stuff we are not hearing about in the news. According to an article published by the World Health Organization, Malaria is reported in Up to 500 million cases each year, 90% of them in Africa, and there are up to 2.7 million deaths annually.

Dengue is considered one of the world's most important mosquito-borne virus disease, with 2500 million people worldwide at risk of infection and 20 million cases a year in more than 100 countries.

There are even some reports that say mosquitoes are responsible for killing more than half the world's population. That seems hard to believe, but when you start adding up numbers. 20 million here and 500 million there.   Really, why haven't we just found a way to eradicate the mosquito? Makes one wonder just a little.

I don't want you to get me wrong I'm very concerned about the Zika virus coming too,  because I  have 2 daughters both of childbearing age and I have 3 beautiful grandchildren and I am very concerned about their health and wellbeing. I have to be, just as we all do, with the possibilities these virus and and others can do. Its about protecting our families.

So what about all the other millions of families that have been affected? So how is it we have gone for years with so many other diseases spread by mosquitoes and it has gone under the radar up until this point?

I know some of us are probably the lucky ones who have access to medication, and vaccinations for a majority of the mosquito borne viruses and diseases, but for a majority of the world that is not the case.

If mosquitoes have the capability of killing so many millions of people by carrying diseases why do we allow them to be a part of the food chain?   Why haven't we figured a way at this point to completely eradicate the mosquitoes in some way? I guess this is just food for thought.

Thanks for reading.

Would you like some more information about Mosquitoes and the Zika virus? Check out my ebook loaded with information. 

According World Health Organization:

Sexual transmission of the Zika virus is possible. So the Mosquito is not the only way to get the virus.

Resources and places I found some of my information:

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